More Like Between the Lines

Moving across the country isn’t exactly easy, so when Josie connected me with Leo I was honestly just relieved to know someone there. But when a rainstorm stranded me at his place, I started seeing him as more than a friend...
When Sabrina moves above an Irish pub, she finds it hard to study. And the pub owner, Killian, makes it even more difficult. But when she goes downstairs for a drink one night, she begins to find him more charming than distracting.
When Katie heads over to Jesse’s cabin she isn’t expecting a storm. But the rain comes down hard and she’s soaked by the time she’s at his doorstep. He brings her inside and finds lots of ways to keep her warm.
I’m so used to the gang of guys, all that banter, the buzzing razors. It’s strange in here when it’s empty, I wonder if it will feel different between us? I usually play it a bit coy, but it’s low stakes when there are lots of people round.
Now that you’re in his arms, Adam is ready to tell you his side of the story. He remembers everything, from the moment you met until that night you showed up on his doorstep. He always knew you were the one.
We’ve been so close for so long now. I’ve always thought of him as a friend. But now he's crashing on my couch. And we're reminiscing. And, oh man, am I falling for him?
I knew what I should tell him. That I needed to leave this coffee shop. That we shouldn’t be seeing each other. But listening to him was like hearing my most secret thoughts recited back to me. So I kept my lips pressed tight and leaned closer.
Bri's connection with Lorenza is undeniable, and it's all she can think about in bed with Wyatt that night. Is it possible Lorenza is feeling the same way...
Helena gets a tarot reading in the hopes of gaining clarity on Nicholas’s behavior, but she leaves more perplexed than before. She feels more confused than ever about who...or what...Nicholas really is. And when he invites her over to his place for a date, she finally gets the chance to ask him outright.
At a summertime barn dance, Katie’s temper flares when her dance partner trash-talks Jesse. She storms outside and Jesse quickly follows her. She can’t stand how ostracized he is by the locals, but Jesse's just happy to be here with her.
Professor Whitlock has a reputation for being difficult and strange. So when Helena starts working with him, she’s surprised to discover how charming he is. As they spend more time together, she feels an almost supernatural pull toward him, and wonders if he feels it too.
Olive tries to resist seeing Gerard again. But when her house floods, she has no choice but to call him...
When Sparrow meets Patrick in her favorite bookshop, they get off to a less than ideal start. When she returns a few days later to find him reading a poem at an open mic night, she's taken, and when she finds out it's about her, all bets are off.
Katie and Jesse bump into each other at the bar in town again. But when her cousin shows up, Jesse knows just where they can escape to be alone.
After weeks of hearing her neighbor through the wall, Tara finally comes face to face with Jackson—an artist who both annoys and intrigues her. After a tension-filled first meeting on the fire escape, they have a night to remember back in her apartment.
Alyssa was leaning against the bar, smiling at some guy sitting next to her. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the hot feeling burning in my chest, resisting the urge to get up and get between them.
In high school, Savannah and Cole were voted “most likely to get married.” But she never imagined they’d actually be together. So when they run into one another at their reunion, she’s surprised to find there’s a spark between them after all.
I’ve been checking him out for weeks, and tonight he’s the only other person to show up for our group run. We push each other, farther, faster, and when the run is over, I know I'm not ready to say goodbye.
No one looks good in a chef's hat and chef's whites. It's just a fact. But I guess this guy operates outside the rules? I try to focus on the pile of carrots in front of me, but it's not easy.
I drift between waking and sleep, searching for you in my dream, then finding you solid, real, and naked beside me in bed..
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9 min
I love seeing you in your element -- holding court with our group of friends. But all I can think about is getting you alone again.
It’s not weird for me to fall a little bit in love with a different stranger every day. My new hot neighbor, or a woman on the subway. But I have a soft spot for baristas. I think the fantasies are mostly fueled by caffeine. Except with Eli. Eli was real.
He reaches across the small space between us and takes my hand. I feel a pang in my stomach when I think of how little time we have left together. A few hours?
I take the first driving shift up to the hot springs. The roads are slick with snow, but I feel calm with Gabe sitting shotgun. I wasn’t expecting him to be so—actually, I don’t know what I was expecting.
I'd seen William in movies, but in person he was even more captivating. So when he gave me a ticket to his show, I didn’t ask for a second one. I didn’t tell him I had a boyfriend…I didn't want him to know.
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11 min
Danny was always Margot’s biggest fan. When they reconnect over email he finally gets the chance to be with his favorite riot girl IRL.
I switch on the table lamp, stand back. Too bright? No, it looks better. She’ll be home any second, and I’ll be sitting here on the sofa on my phone. I’ll look up slowly when she walks in, as if I haven’t been waiting for her.
Every once in a while I’ll sneak a glance back at him. He’s watching me, rapt, through the phone screen.
I said I'd shoot his headshots as a favor to a friend. But I'm thinking I need to re-evaluate my generosity. He walks into my studio in blue jeans, scuffed white sneakers, and a black v-neck. Ok, he’s pretty. And once I have him in front of the lens, I'm flooded with memories.
I walked you to the door, but we only shared a hug goodbye. When I got home I couldn’t sleep. I wanted to call you, text you. I felt like I’d missed a turn I wanted to take.
Usually it's so quiet up here, but tonight the rooftops surrounding us are buzzing with people. I mentally calculate the chances of someone spotting us if I were to make out with Marcus right now, or reach into his shorts.
He starts playfully walking his fingers up and down my arm. I want to take my hands off the keys, but I’m already addicted to this game. He tilts his head to whisper in my ear, his dark stubble brushing up against my neck.
What if we…skipped our dinner plans? There’s something new I want to try with you and I can’t wait any longer.
After the first day of class, she asked me to call her by her first name instead of "professor". Something about the way she smiled at me, using just her eyes, made me feel like she wanted me to wonder about her.
When Jordan's flight gets canceled the night before Thanksgiving, he heads back to his apartment for a night of TV and takeout. But his roommate Ines has a better idea...
Ever since we broke up, my dreams have erupted into color. I wake every morning reeling from strange fantasies. Sometimes I’m not sure exactly what is real and what’s not: sights, sensations, these feelings for Cam.
It's after midnight and I'm one of the few stragglers still at the library. I get jolted out of a daydream by...Matt. So I'm not the only one here on a Friday night.
I look at myself with the curiosity and distance of a stranger. Running my hands down my body, I picture Charlie wrapping his arms around me.
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Just Us
12 min
Our lives are different since the baby came. But lately, somehow everything feels right. Since we have the day to ourselves, I want to do whatever makes you feel good.
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Dog Days
10 min
Mornings at the dog park are my favorite time, there’s an unspoken rule that there’s no talking before coffee. But this dog’s cute owner has me rethinking that…
A writers' retreat was the perfect antidote to my post-breakup restlessness: hours of silence, endless nature, and an anonymous love note pinned to my door.
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10 min
We've been sitting in total darkness for over an hour. Maybe I’m building him up in my mind since I haven’t had a real look at him in such a long time, but I had to stop myself from staring in the couple seconds we were together before the lights went out.
I always knew Nat would make it big. She had that star power from the start. Or at least she had a power over me.
Remember when we talked about love languages for like, 3 hours? Well, since yours is obviously gifts, and I'm not going to get to see you for three months, I planned a little something.
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10 min
He got security to put me in the front row right up against the metal barrier. I've always been turned on by music, pretending I'm the women in the songs I listen to. It's one of the reasons why I can't help but relive that night at Bonnaroo over and over, even in bed with someone else.
We talked for what felt like hours as the bonfire burned in the distance. He must’ve been a lot younger than me, but he drew me in, wrapping me in his stories.
My old roommate Caroline was always a mystery to me. When I moved out, I thought I’d never get the chance to figure her out. But New York heatwaves have a funny way of bringing people back together.
I’d been feeling some pain during sex with David. I was planning to find a solve, but he jumped in first, surprising me with the perfect solution.
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Oh Baby
12 min
I crushed on Leah so hard in high school, but it wasn’t until we both moved to New York years later that we ended up falling in love. People say marriage can mess with your sex life, but trying for a baby has set us on fire.
It’s been a long trip, and we’re pretty close to getting to the hotel. I’m rubbing my hand up your thigh, and you swerve a bit as I slip my hand into the front of your jeans.
My Library