More Like Loose End

Savannah is back home in the city, but she finds herself missing Cole much more than she expected. So when he calls and says he has a surprise for her, she can’t wait to find out what it is.
Normally, Harper would weather bad PR by lying low at home with her cats. But when a photo surfaces of her kissing Logan at the SNL after-party, he persuades her to shake it off with a workout instead. Logan books a private penthouse gym in his apartment building, and what begins as a way of blowing off steam soon escalates into something far hotter.
After a breaking up with her famous musician boyfriend, Harper is ready to shed her glittery LA life for something a little grittier, so she packs up her broken heart and moves to New York. She’s keeping busy pouring all her energy into training for an upcoming movie role. But when her friend, an SNL cast member, invites her to the after party she can’t resist the idea of putting on something a little sparkly. Outside the party she has a surprise run in with Logan Miller, the surprisingly charismatic host and super-star football player. She’s usually into brooding artist types, but his easy humor and jock-ish charm catches Harper off guard. And when they share a very thrilling, and very public kiss at the party, she can’t help but want to take him home.
Tara hasn’t seen Jackson since their dinner date. Then one night, she hears him having a party through the wall. At first, she’s annoyed that he’s disrupting her peace without even inviting her, but the irritation quickly softens into something sweeter…
In high school, Savannah and Cole were voted “most likely to get married.” But she never imagined they’d actually be together. So when they run into one another at their reunion, she’s surprised to find there’s a spark between them after all.
After their hookup at the reunion, Savannah and Cole take a walk down memory lane, revisiting places from their past and exploring the spark that’s growing between them.
When Katie heads over to Jesse’s cabin she isn’t expecting a storm. But the rain comes down hard and she’s soaked by the time she’s at his doorstep. He brings her inside and finds lots of ways to keep her warm.
When Jackson asks Tara to meet him at one of the hottest restaurants in New York City, she starts to get a better sense of the community he's surrounded by. And tonight, there's much more on the menu than just dinner.
After weeks of hearing her neighbor through the wall, Tara finally comes face to face with Jackson—an artist who both annoys and intrigues her. After a tension-filled first meeting on the fire escape, they have a night to remember back in her apartment.
Olive gets mad when Gerard disagrees with her ideas for the home renovation. But when he surprises her with a peace offering, she starts to see him in a whole new light.
After running into one another at the bar and hooking up, Killian offers to drive Sabrina home. They start pushing each other's buttons on the way home. When a rainstorm hits they have to pull over, and they finally get it out of their systems.
When Sabrina moves above an Irish pub, she finds it hard to study. And the pub owner, Killian, makes it even more difficult. But when she goes downstairs for a drink one night, she begins to find him more charming than distracting.
Helena gets a tarot reading in the hopes of gaining clarity on Nicholas’s behavior, but she leaves more perplexed than before. She feels more confused than ever about who...or what...Nicholas really is. And when he invites her over to his place for a date, she finally gets the chance to ask him outright.
Sabrina and Killian decide to take space when she moves to Dublin. But when they run into one another at a bar opening, they can't help but get close....
I wasn't expecting Milo at Michelle's engagement party. It had been years since our breakup, but when I saw him my breath caught in my chest. And when we went back to his place and he pulled out a blindfold I was just as surprised.
Ronan didn't need to be on the farm anymore, and Mia isn't sure she even wants him there... She's caught somewhere between wanting him to leave and needing him to stay.
Professor Whitlock has a reputation for being difficult and strange. So when Helena starts working with him, she’s surprised to discover how charming he is. As they spend more time together, she feels an almost supernatural pull toward him, and wonders if he feels it too.
The Ainsworths' annual spring party is set to begin, but Elizabeth Everly is loath to go—The small town politicking feels so pretentious to her. But when she runs into Ewan, the gruff barn hand, her night takes a spontaneous turn…
You're alone with the professor, and he's ready to tell you his secret. A few semesters ago, he hooked up with one of his students. He did his best to resist, but after she kissed him, all bets were off.
When Gia falls asleep next to Jack, her dreams take a wild turn. In her fantasy, they're back at the bar where they first reconnected, and things get spicy quickly. But the real fun begins when Jack wakes Gia up, determined to hear every detail of her fantasy. As she recounts the story, Jack matches each revelation with his touch. Will Gia's real life reunion with Jack be even hotter than her dreams?
Sophia and Austin’s agents set them up on a get-to-know-each-other weekend in Big Sur before they’re set to start filming. Except they’ve already met…When the highway gets washed out and the director can’t make it, they spend a weekend alone together rehashing their past.
On a romantic getaway to the coast, Killian and Sabrina hope to get to know each other better. But as they walk along the shore, Sabrina reveals a secret Killian is not expecting.
On a chilly London night, Gia stands outside Jack's apartment, nervous about their reunion after months apart. Inside, they catch up over wine, the tension between them obvious. Jack shares his latest photography project, including a portrait inspired by Gia. As they discuss his work, their attempt at staying casual crumbles. One touch leads to another, and soon they're tangled on the couch, rediscovering their connection. In the aftermath, Jack snaps a photo of them together - a new memory to add to his collection. But as the night winds down, they're left wondering if this is just a London fling or something more.
Persephone, the Goddess of Spring, has just been inducted into the Pantheon. She escapes the rowdy bacchanal in the early hours to lie in a meadow and encounters Hades, Lord of the Underworld. Her first instinct is to run, but she can't help but be intrigued by the vision of a very different life that he paints for her...
After Elizabeth’s dramatic departure from the Ainsworths' party, her parents are eager to smooth over her relationship with Oliver. It’s arranged that he’ll come visit the Everly Estate, and Elizabeth agrees to entertain his courtship. But when Ewan shows up, Elizabeth finds it hard to be on her best behavior.
When nerves threaten to derail Jane's big lecture at Cambridge, her boyfriend James surprises her with a visit to the library. As she practices her presentation, his flirtatious distractions escalate into a spicy encounter amidst the bookshelves. James pushes Jane to focus through the pleasure, helping her find her confidence and release.
The strange connection between Helena and Nicholas continues to grow. Besides Helena’s dreams about Nicholas, he seems to sense when she’s in danger. When she’s lost her way in the forest, he’s there to help her. But when they get back to her apartment, the truth begins to come out.
Alejandro invites Sydney to meet him down at the marina. They wander the docks and then sneak onto one of the yachts for a little trouble.
Aviva invites Dave to see a show in the park, but when Aviva’s ex shows up, Dave gets heated. During intermission, Dave pulls Aviva into a wooded area of the park and shows her just how much he wants her.
Olive tries to resist seeing Gerard again. But when her house floods, she has no choice but to call him...
I said I'd shoot his headshots as a favor to a friend. But I'm thinking I need to re-evaluate my generosity. He walks into my studio in blue jeans, scuffed white sneakers, and a black v-neck. Ok, he’s pretty. And once I have him in front of the lens, I'm flooded with memories.
I drift between waking and sleep, searching for you in my dream, then finding you solid, real, and naked beside me in bed..
I take the first driving shift up to the hot springs. The roads are slick with snow, but I feel calm with Gabe sitting shotgun. I wasn’t expecting him to be so—actually, I don’t know what I was expecting.
My old roommate Caroline was always a mystery to me. When I moved out, I thought I’d never get the chance to figure her out. But New York heatwaves have a funny way of bringing people back together.
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13 min
I see her across the tent as soon as I get there. If my life were a movie, everyone else’s faces would be blurred except hers. It's been five years since that sophomore year, and it still feels like I’m constantly aware of where she is in a room.
To have my hands on her again, a streak from the pottery wheel smudged on her thigh, is heaven. To see him after all these years, smelling like clay and old memories, brings it all right back.
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9 min
I love seeing you in your element -- holding court with our group of friends. But all I can think about is getting you alone again.
I was dating someone else, so I thought I was over Sasha. But seeing her at the wedding made me question myself. What did I really want?
I look at myself with the curiosity and distance of a stranger. Running my hands down my body, I picture Charlie wrapping his arms around me.
After the first day of class, she asked me to call her by her first name instead of "professor". Something about the way she smiled at me, using just her eyes, made me feel like she wanted me to wonder about her.
Every so often, you have one of those nights you just can't make up. When you meet someone amazing, or decide to just go with the flow and it all works out. The memory instantly becomes larger than life, and in the moment—all you can do is savor it. That's how I felt when I met Ellie.
We talked for what felt like hours as the bonfire burned in the distance. He must’ve been a lot younger than me, but he drew me in, wrapping me in his stories.
Usually it's so quiet up here, but tonight the rooftops surrounding us are buzzing with people. I mentally calculate the chances of someone spotting us if I were to make out with Marcus right now, or reach into his shorts.
First time hitting the slopes in two years: check. First time flirting with a stranger in at least 3 months: check. First hookup on a mountain: check.
Every once in a while I’ll sneak a glance back at him. He’s watching me, rapt, through the phone screen.
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Next Day
12 min
Everything about it felt new. The feel of his beard on my face, his longish hair in my hands. The taste of his mouth. Reckless. Strange. Fun. Intimate.
I’ve been checking him out for weeks, and tonight he’s the only other person to show up for our group run. We push each other, farther, faster, and when the run is over, I know I'm not ready to say goodbye.
No one looks good in a chef's hat and chef's whites. It's just a fact. But I guess this guy operates outside the rules? I try to focus on the pile of carrots in front of me, but it's not easy.
My Library