More Like Open Concept 3: Make It Quick

Normally, Harper would weather bad PR by lying low at home with her cats. But when a photo surfaces of her kissing Logan at the SNL after-party, he persuades her to shake it off with a workout instead. Logan books a private penthouse gym in his apartment building, and what begins as a way of blowing off steam soon escalates into something far hotter.
After a breaking up with her famous musician boyfriend, Harper is ready to shed her glittery LA life for something a little grittier, so she packs up her broken heart and moves to New York. She’s keeping busy pouring all her energy into training for an upcoming movie role. But when her friend, an SNL cast member, invites her to the after party she can’t resist the idea of putting on something a little sparkly. Outside the party she has a surprise run in with Logan Miller, the surprisingly charismatic host and super-star football player. She’s usually into brooding artist types, but his easy humor and jock-ish charm catches Harper off guard. And when they share a very thrilling, and very public kiss at the party, she can’t help but want to take him home.
When Katie heads over to Jesse’s cabin she isn’t expecting a storm. But the rain comes down hard and she’s soaked by the time she’s at his doorstep. He brings her inside and finds lots of ways to keep her warm.
At a summertime barn dance, Katie’s temper flares when her dance partner trash-talks Jesse. She storms outside and Jesse quickly follows her. She can’t stand how ostracized he is by the locals, but Jesse's just happy to be here with her.
Tara hasn’t seen Jackson since their dinner date. Then one night, she hears him having a party through the wall. At first, she’s annoyed that he’s disrupting her peace without even inviting her, but the irritation quickly softens into something sweeter…
When Jackson asks Tara to meet him at one of the hottest restaurants in New York City, she starts to get a better sense of the community he's surrounded by. And tonight, there's much more on the menu than just dinner.
After weeks of hearing her neighbor through the wall, Tara finally comes face to face with Jackson—an artist who both annoys and intrigues her. After a tension-filled first meeting on the fire escape, they have a night to remember back in her apartment.
It's a summer heat wave, and Katie can’t sleep. But when Jesse shows up outside her window, he has the perfect idea for how they can cool off.
Katie and Jesse bump into each other at the bar in town again. But when her cousin shows up, Jesse knows just where they can escape to be alone.
When Katie runs into Jesse at the Fourth of July fair in town, she has to play it cool—nobody in her family knows that they're spending time together. When they make a quick escape to his truck, Katie's adrenaline is going, and she can't resist him.
The Ainsworths' annual spring party is set to begin, but Elizabeth Everly is loath to go—The small town politicking feels so pretentious to her. But when she runs into Ewan, the gruff barn hand, her night takes a spontaneous turn…
Ronan didn't need to be on the farm anymore, and Mia isn't sure she even wants him there... She's caught somewhere between wanting him to leave and needing him to stay.
Alejandro invites Sydney to meet him down at the marina. They wander the docks and then sneak onto one of the yachts for a little trouble.
Bri's connection with Lorenza is undeniable, and it's all she can think about in bed with Wyatt that night. Is it possible Lorenza is feeling the same way...
Persephone, the Goddess of Spring, has just been inducted into the Pantheon. She escapes the rowdy bacchanal in the early hours to lie in a meadow and encounters Hades, Lord of the Underworld. Her first instinct is to run, but she can't help but be intrigued by the vision of a very different life that he paints for her...
After Elizabeth’s dramatic departure from the Ainsworths' party, her parents are eager to smooth over her relationship with Oliver. It’s arranged that he’ll come visit the Everly Estate, and Elizabeth agrees to entertain his courtship. But when Ewan shows up, Elizabeth finds it hard to be on her best behavior.
Everyone keeps telling Katie to stay away from Jesse, a local who's rough around the edges. But she can't help but want to get to know him for herself.
Alyssa invites Will up to her office after a game and they have an intense conversation about their relationship. It’s quickly becoming more complicated and difficult to keep the secret, but at the same time, their feelings for one another are getting deeper. They agree to call it quits, but can they keep the very promise they just made?
At the pre-season kick off party, Will runs into Alyssa, a childhood friend who is now running PR for the very NBA team he was just traded to. Their connection starts out rocky, with unspoken tension and awkward exchanges, but when Will chases after Alyssa on her way out they finally get their chance to have a real conversation. They walk back in the rain to his apartment, and back at his place, he finally gets a chance to ask her if he missed his chance with her all those years ago.
Sabrina decides to take Killian out on a proper date, but it's hard getting alone time when you're with a local celebrity. When they finally ditch the restaurant, Killian pulls Sabrina into a quiet alley for an even more intimate moment.
I’m so used to the gang of guys, all that banter, the buzzing razors. It’s strange in here when it’s empty, I wonder if it will feel different between us? I usually play it a bit coy, but it’s low stakes when there are lots of people round.
Aviva takes Dave shopping, and it's not what he expected. She leads him to the dressing room, and he gets down on his knees. Dave tries to keep her quiet, but Aviva's never been one to hold it in.
Finally ready to share her poetry at the local open mic, Sparrow has no idea Patrick has slipped into the audience. But when they connect after the reading, he shows her how much he liked what he heard.
Alejandro and Sydney meet up at a club in Miami for a night of dancing. But when they can’t keep their hands off each other, they escape to the roof for a little more fun.
Winter is rapidly approaching and the energy on the farm is…tense. There’s much to be done before the season changes and Ronan and Mia still haven’t talked about their hookup. But when they get stuck in a rainstorm, the tension comes to a head and all the things they haven’t said come tumbling out.
Elizabeth is perseverating on Oliver’s proposal. On one hand, she knows it is the rational choice and the one most advantageous to her family. But on the other, her affair with Ewan has opened her up to a world of possibility she hadn’t known existed. When she gets marooned at the Ainsworth Estate during a storm, she’s forced to make her decision.
Will is on a high after an amazing first game of the season and is excited to see Alyssa afterwards, but it’s complicated, they’ve agreed to keep things on the down low especially as they are both settling into their new roles with the team. When his teammate introduces them, Alyssa keeps their secret by pretending not to know Will. And Will, game for anything, plays along. They have a flirty exchange as strangers and then escape from the hotel rooftop to a private room inside.
When Jane finds James struggling to focus on his work, she decides to take matters into her own hands. She challenges their usual power dynamic, determined to tempt him away from his desk. As Jane ups the ante with each flirtatious move, James fights to resist her charms. But when she drops to her knees, his resolve crumbles. In a spicy turn of events, James flips the script, taking back control
Reggie has another mysterious surprise in store for Denise, and this one involves a secret password and putting herself out there in a whole new way. What item will they be ticking off the list tonight?
Killian takes Sabrina for a hike along the Irish countryside. When rain threatens to dampen their fun, Killian finds a shelter and builds a fire and has a few other ideas about how they'll stay warm...
Jane's night out with friends takes an unexpected turn when Professor James slides into their booth at the college bar. As their flirty banter heats up, Jane finds herself torn between maintaining her cool and giving in to temptation. When James's wandering hands under the table become too much to bear, the photo booth in the corner suddenly looks like the perfect escape.
I’ve been checking him out for weeks, and tonight he’s the only other person to show up for our group run. We push each other, farther, faster, and when the run is over, I know I'm not ready to say goodbye.
I take the first driving shift up to the hot springs. The roads are slick with snow, but I feel calm with Gabe sitting shotgun. I wasn’t expecting him to be so—actually, I don’t know what I was expecting.
When Leo invited me to the book signing, I was scared to commit. Like my 'yes' might set something in motion between us I couldn’t stop. But I found myself walking between the shelves that night, the familiar smell of crisp hardcovers and old wood floors washing over me.
No one looks good in a chef's hat and chef's whites. It's just a fact. But I guess this guy operates outside the rules? I try to focus on the pile of carrots in front of me, but it's not easy.
I drift between waking and sleep, searching for you in my dream, then finding you solid, real, and naked beside me in bed..
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11 min
Maybe an hour into the flight I grab the blanket under me and start spreading it out. Trying to be casual about it. I slowly reach to move his arm towards me, and rest it on my thigh.
I'd seen William in movies, but in person he was even more captivating. So when he gave me a ticket to his show, I didn’t ask for a second one. I didn’t tell him I had a boyfriend…I didn't want him to know.
It's after midnight and I'm one of the few stragglers still at the library. I get jolted out of a daydream by...Matt. So I'm not the only one here on a Friday night.
I should've just splurged for my own ride home. We haven't even gotten out of midtown yet. I catch a whiff of him before I see him get into the car, like a luxury candle I'd buy at Barney’s and then return out of guilt.
It’s not weird for me to fall a little bit in love with a different stranger every day. My new hot neighbor, or a woman on the subway. But I have a soft spot for baristas. I think the fantasies are mostly fueled by caffeine. Except with Eli. Eli was real.
Every so often, you have one of those nights you just can't make up. When you meet someone amazing, or decide to just go with the flow and it all works out. The memory instantly becomes larger than life, and in the moment—all you can do is savor it. That's how I felt when I met Ellie.
We talked for what felt like hours as the bonfire burned in the distance. He must’ve been a lot younger than me, but he drew me in, wrapping me in his stories.
My old roommate Caroline was always a mystery to me. When I moved out, I thought I’d never get the chance to figure her out. But New York heatwaves have a funny way of bringing people back together.
I look at myself with the curiosity and distance of a stranger. Running my hands down my body, I picture Charlie wrapping his arms around me.
After the first day of class, she asked me to call her by her first name instead of "professor". Something about the way she smiled at me, using just her eyes, made me feel like she wanted me to wonder about her.
First time hitting the slopes in two years: check. First time flirting with a stranger in at least 3 months: check. First hookup on a mountain: check.
My friends had weighed in so much on my last relationship, it felt easier to keep things with Nick to myself. I didn’t mean for it to happen, but slowly he became my fun little secret.
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Next Day
12 min
Everything about it felt new. The feel of his beard on my face, his longish hair in my hands. The taste of his mouth. Reckless. Strange. Fun. Intimate.
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Dog Days
10 min
Mornings at the dog park are my favorite time, there’s an unspoken rule that there’s no talking before coffee. But this dog’s cute owner has me rethinking that…
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