More Like Orgasmic Breath

It can feel like life piles on more right when you are at your limit. But even when things are stressful, it’s important to find time to release your responsibilities. In this session, Mark creates a safe space for you to relax and let go.
Quiet the noise and reconnect body and mind with Myisha Battle, a certified sex and dating coach. In this session, she’ll guide you through a quick exercise for before or during sex to let yourself experience pleasure more deeply.
In this session, an expert massage therapist takes you through the basics of a facial massage. It’s a quick way to release tension, de-stress, and show yourself some love.
In this session, Eva Kaczor creates a space for you and a partner to reconnect. Using orgasmic breathing techniques, you’ll open up and reach a more aroused mood state together.
Stress isn’t just in your head, it shows up in your body too. In this session, Mark guides you through a quick exercise designed to help you identify and release areas where you’re holding stress and tension.
Negative thinking can be like a web, the more you try to think yourself out of it the deeper you get. In this session, Mark helps you stop the negativity spiral by guiding you out of your head and back into your body with some soothing self touch.
Stretching doesn’t have to be about getting super fit or flexible, it can simply be a way of saying “good morning” or “goodnight” to your body. In this session, Mark will guide you through a short series of stretches you can use to check in with your body.
We all go on autopilot sometimes, but when you check out you lose out on the pleasure of small moments. In this session, Mark guides you through a quick exercise designed to reconnect you with your senses and ground you back in the present moment.
Sometimes you have to shutdown your emotions to get through stressful situations, but those walls can stay up past when you need them. In this session, Mark guides you through a simple breathing exercise to help you get back to an emotional balance.
Writing your own erotica is a way of reclaiming your sexual narrative and exploring your own desires. In this session, we’ll breakdown the basics of erotica and guide you through four short writing prompts. In less than 30 minutes, you’ll dive deep into your own memories and create an outline of your erotic vignette. Grab a pen and paper before you get started.
In this session, Raquel Savage answers all your questions on getting started, prep, and play so you can experiment with confidence.
The list of kinks and fetishes you can try is near endless. And without a guide, finding yours can feel like exploring without a map. In this session, Yin Q leads you through an exercise in identifying your kinks and fetishes so you can start trying them out. You’ll need a pen and paper to take notes, so have those ready to go before starting the session.
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Ch. 1 | BDSM Basics
6 min
BDSM is a term you’ve probably heard thrown around when it comes to sex. Yin Q, a BDSM and Kink educator, helps us get to the bottom of what it means. Even if you’ve never felt drawn to these kinds of sexual practices, you may come away with some thoughts for your own sex life, or lift the curtain to a whole new world of play.
In this session psychologist and breathwork expert Eva Kaczor will guide you into a calm headspace to access deep pleasure. You’ll combine breathwork techniques with sensual self-touch to relax deeply into your masturbation practice.
Anxious brains drain their own energy by focusing on all the ways things might go wrong. In this session, Freddie helps you focus back on the positive with a simple but powerful visualization exercise.
It’s easy to fixate on what you don’t have, instead of being grateful for what you do. In this session, Freddie shifts you out of a scarcity mindset through a series of affirmations.
We all get stuck on things. Our brains loop on situations trying to solve it in our minds, but emotions are stored in the body too. In this session, Mark guides you in a movement exercise designed to shake off whatever you're stuck on.
Giving your partner a massage is like sending their whole body a love note. It’s a simple way to relax and connect, especially with the right technique. In this session, an expert massage therapist will guide you through the basics of a head, neck, and back massage in real time. If you have a favorite massage oil, have it nearby.
An amazing hand massage is the perfect romantic gesture. You don’t need a fancy setup or supplies. All you need is a little technique and the willingness to connect. In this session, an expert massage therapist will guide you through step by step so you can create a relaxing experience for your partner.
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Ch. 3 | Self Touch
14 min
Wanna level up your masturbation technique? Let our sexy narrator guide you through an exercise in edging. You’ll use your vibrator and he'll help you control the rhythm and pace of your orgasm instead of rushing through.
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Glow Up
Ch. 1 | Self Touch
10 min
Ready to switch up your self-touch routine? In this session, a sexy narrator will guide you through an exercise in erotic touch. You’ll go slow, use only your hands, and connect with your desire. Get relaxed and follow the flow, and discover how you turn yourself on.
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Nipple Play
Ch. 5 | Self Touch
11 min
Nipple play isn't just foreplay to an eventual clitoral orgasm: it can be the gateway to orgasm all on its own. Let our sexy narrator help you explore new heights of pleasure with strategic nipple massage.
In this session we go beyond tips and tricks. You'll explore touch with your partner and learn what turns him on.
Just because women's bodies are more complex, doesn't mean they have to be mysterious! In this session, you'll explore touch with your partner and they'll learn exactly what you like.
Sexting is like a lab for your fantasies — It’s a chance to experiment, voice your desires, and practice dirty talking without the pressure of being face to face. In this session, you’ll get erotic inspiration and instruction so you can tap into your sexiest self over text. This series was created in collaboration with texting & relationships expert, Molly-Margaret.
You could have all the love in the world, but if you don’t believe you deserve it, you won’t be able to feel it. In this session, Freddie uses affirmations to help you unblock the belief that you don’t deserve love.
Comparison is an energy trap. All the time you spend thinking about other people would be better used on you. In this session, Freddie helps you reinvest that energy back in yourself with affirmations.
We get so many messages from society, our friends, and family, sometimes it can be hard to know what you really want. In this session Freddie helps you get clear on what you really think and desire.
Thinking negative thoughts about your body is like talking shit on your most ride or die friend. In this session, Freddie helps you quiet that inner critic and cultivate body gratitude through affirmations.
Until you let go of the past, it’s gonna be hard to love yourself in the present. In this session, Freddie helps you look at your regrets head on and release them.
There are times when you're just not feeling it, but your partner is. That mismatch of desire can be hard to navigate. In this session, we'll empower you to negotiate those moments in a way that feels empowering, kind, and open to compromise.
A foot massage is a simple but powerful way to connect with your partner. You don’t need much time or any fancy supplies to get it right. In this session, an expert massage therapist will guide you through each step so you can have a relaxing experience with your partner from home.
Evoke the lover within you using your breath. In part two of this series, psychologist and breathwork expert Eva Kaczor will guide you through an energizing breathing technique, then direct you in sensual self-touch.
Grab a few ice cubes, lie back, and let our narrator guide you through an exploration of your body using your senses. You’ll tune in to what makes you feel good, and dive into the sensations that turn you on.
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Mix it Up
Ch. 4 | Self Touch
10 min
Knowing what works for you is important, but exploring new sensations can open up whole new worlds. In this session, you’ll experiment with different positions and techniques to awaken your body. Go ahead, take a moment to surprise yourself.
Keep exploring with your partner in the last episode of our 12 Questions series. You'll discover your partner's desires while digging deep into your own.
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Part II
Ch. 2 | 36 Questions
7 min
Play along with a partner to part two of our 12 Questions series. You’ll reveal your sexual desires and maybe even get a little turned on in the process.
You might know your love language, astrological sign, or personality type…but do you know your texting style? In this session, we’ll help you identify it. You’ll learn your unique communication style and what it might mean about how you relate to others. And we’ll help you get more intentional and empowered before hitting send. This series was created in collaboration with texting & relationships expert, Molly-Margaret.
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Part I
Ch. 1 | 36 Questions
8 min
Have you ever heard of the 36 questions that lead to love? Our version of the game is sexual! No surprise there. Play along with a partner and discover your deepest desires together.
Your mind is your greatest sex toy, so let's use it. In this session, we'll explore the fantasy of a threesome. You're the center of attention as we guide you deeper into your own imagination.
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Ch. 7 | BDSM Basics
10 min
There’s so much focus on foreplay, but the afterglow is just as important. In BDSM, there’s a whole practice devoted to making sure it’s done right. In this session, Yin Q guides you in mapping out your aftercare practice. It's a time for you and your partner to feel safe, comfortable, and cared for after exploring new territory and pushing your limits.
Sometimes self care feels like a buzzword. And if you’re stressed or struggling to connect with yourself, a face mask isn’t going to cut it. In this session, we use the love languages framework to help you identify and practice deeper ways to care for yourself.
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Ch. 6 | BDSM Basics
11 min
Letting go feels really good. But sometimes it’s harder than it sounds. In this session, Yin Q guides you through the basics of submissive role play. It’s a way of experiencing pleasure while releasing control on your own terms. Yin will guide you through a few exercises to get you into a submissive headspace before teaching you how to try it out in the bedroom. Before you hit play, make sure you’re somewhere quiet and comfortable.
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Ch. 5 | BDSM Basics
12 min
Role play doesn’t have to go from zero to whips and chains overnight. In this session, Yin Q gradually guides you into a dominant headspace and helps you explore ways you can bring dominance into the bedroom. You don’t need any special supplies, but make sure you're somewhere private and comfortable before starting the session.
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