More Like Lecture Me 3: Hello, Professor

I’d never been to that club before, but Andrés seemed right at home. He grabbed my hand and led me through the sweaty crowd towards the rooftop...
A few weeks back, I saw Rosie leave the club with Collin. He was a little cocky, but one of the best dancers in my class. So when she asked me for a private lesson, I was ready to prove myself. I knew I was the better partner, but I'd have to work for it.
I’d always found a reason not to get that tattoo. But as soon as I stepped into the studio, I felt comfortable with Nick. It was like he already knew me…or like he could see who I was trying to become.
I could tell Noah had been taking it easy on Alexis, so when he couldn't make their private session I decided to step in. She wanted someone who was gonna test her limits and I wasn't afraid to take her there.
I wasn’t sure about getting on dating apps. Corny quotes and sending emojis to strangers isn't really my thing….but when I matched with Aviva, I had to rethink my stance.
Some people wanna do the relationship thing: shack up, adopt a dog…But that’s not Cass. She’s more interested in exploring than settling down and when Zane’s in town she gets her chance.
Rosie and I weren’t really in touch after we hooked up. But when I saw her dancing with Andrés, I felt a hot wave of jealousy flare up. So when she stopped by late one night, I didn’t hold back. I needed to prove I was the one she really wanted...and I knew she liked it rough.
I couldn't get Aviva out of my head, so I asked her out again. After we ended up in the restaurant bathroom together, it was clear the feeling was mutual.
In true Sagittarius fashion, Dani’s up for a challenge. But when she hires Eric as a personal trainer for her climb up Mt. Rainier, she gets more than she signed up for.
I was working late at the office when Aviva texted. "Come meet me in the elevator." I did as she said. The doors had barely closed behind us before we were all over each other.
Quentin snuck us into a gallery opening under new names. We wandered away from the crowd and he made it it clear we were there to explore more than the art.
Nadia and Quentin are strangers with a shared interest in adrenaline. Each week they plan to meet in a new place. And this time it’s at the public library, but Nadia has a hard time keeping quiet...
After my ex moved out, it was time to make the house feel like my own. I could handle most of the work on my own — As a Leo, I’m used to getting the job done. But I needed to hire a contractor to help with the deck. When he started fixing extra things I didn’t ask for, I found myself getting pissed at him for no reason at at all….
After Laura and Mark hook up, she wonders if she can ever go back to her favorite studio. But a few days later when she’s desperate for a good workout, she decides to take her chances and return to class.
I thought working on a farm in Ireland would be peaceful. Were it not for Ronan, it might have been. What started out as frustration quickly turned into tension I couldn't ignore, and by the time we were in his cottage, all bets were off.
Damon confuses Cece for a reporter, which is his first mistake. Later, when he finds himself back in her hotel room, he thinks he's in control—mistake number two.
Tiff bailed on our boxing class, but my mood shifted as soon as I met the instructor. Noah’s calm confidence was so infectious, I signed up for a private lesson after my first few classes.
When I saw Evan flirting with Aviva at her party, it sparked something uncontrollable in me. By the time I got her alone, all bets were off...
This time Quentin didn't send instructions, just a ticket to the theater. Alone in our private box, it took all my energy not to make too much noise as I lost track of what was happening on stage...
After spending the night at Rebecca’s, I never wanted to leave. So I invited her to the gala that night. I was scared she might be overwhelmed, but she kept surprising me at every turn.
This time, Quentin’s instructions are simple. Be on the street corner in hiking boots and be ready. Nadia does as she’s told and finds herself and Quentin naked in the park, trying to muffle their moans so the passersby won’t hear. Will they get caught this time?
Back at the hotel, Jada wants Mateo to pretend to be a stranger, a rough stranger. They meet at the bar but quickly find themselves upstairs where there are only two rules: No names, and no holding back.
Mark’s leading a yoga retreat upstate, so Laura and Diego tag along. When Mark and Laura sneak away from the studio, sparks fly between Diego and a fellow yogi.
After a whirlwind week together, Theo and Sophia have caught feelings. They make the most of their last few days together...and on the final night make a secret pact.
Aviva and I decided to date other people to keep things casual. But when she showed up at my place after a date, I knew I wanted her all to myself.
After they hook up, yoga instructor Mark isn't sure if Laura will ever come back to class. He's excited when she does, but struggles to center his mind.
Des and Henry build a piece of furniture and, inevitably, things start getting tense. Listen in as they work it all out on the living room floor.
Being back in Cambridge made me nostalgic for my university days, and seeing Andrew again only intensified the memories. I hadn't seen him since he was my TA, but all those old feelings were still there.
Cam shot me a tiny, one-sided smile. Like we were the bad kids at the table, or maybe like they were the adults. I felt her foot brush mine under the table and wondered if it was an accident.
Carla's having a rooftop party when she sees Freddie in the crowd. He’s a friend of a friend, but they've never met. As the night progresses, they find themselves alone on the roof and he makes his move...
Follow Theo’s journey after the beach house. It’s a few years later and he’s finally fallen for someone new. When his heart gets broken he doesn’t back down, he fights for the love he wants. Only to realize it’s still Sophia on his mind…
An up-and-coming chef with a following, Theo’s used to getting what he wants. Sophia is aloof, and he’s intrigued by the challenge. And after their first kiss, he’s hellbent on figuring her out.
After a long day of decision making, Jada is ready to let go of control. And Mateo has the perfect surprise–a blindfold and ball gag. Listen in as he shows her his dominant side and gives her exactly what she wants.
Jada and Mateo return to the hotel, this time for an intense role play session. At Jada's request, Mateo takes the role of a therapist – with a bit of a sadistic side. Listen in as he analyzes, degrades, and punishes her just the way she wants.
Laura joins a new yoga studio and finds herself in a class run by Mark, a former-marine-turned-yoga-teacher. One night, Laura is the only student that shows up to class, and gets Mark’s full attention.
Cass doesn’t like playing games or getting played. So, when Elliot comes to her apartment, she’s crystal clear about what she wants and how she wants it.
Elliot can’t stop thinking about Cass. When she drops by the bar again, he gets his chance to get it right.
Mateo and Jada book a hotel room once a month to reconnect. But behind closed doors, they go way beyond romance. Listen in as they tap into their inner dominant and submissive sides: Mateo can't wait to tie Jada up, and she loves when he talks dirty.
I wasn't sure this was gonna work out, but then Niall was off the plane and sitting in my car. We tried to play it cool, but we couldn't even make it back to my place before we were all over each other.
For a friends with benefits thing, I wanted there to be more...benefits. We connected emotionally, and he was smoking hot, but in bed I wanted to get a little more experimental. Now that he’s back in town, I’m tempted to try again.
Even though it was Nat's day off, he still wanted to work for it. So, instead of fighting the urge, I laid back and let him explore my body... twice.
I loved hearing about your first time with him. I want you to touch me just like he touched you. Let's take it real slow at first, but then I want you to get rough just like he did.
Gia and Jack have been secretly hooking up since her return to their hometown. And when they unexpectedly end up on the same camping trip with old friends, their simmering tension threatens to boil over. As night falls and their friends retire, the pair sneak off to Gia's tent. In the confined space, Jack's dominant side emerges, challenging Gia's need for control. Their intense encounter leaves them questioning whether they can keep their passionate affair under wraps or if it's time to bring their relationship into the light.
New format! Like your favorite audiobook, only shorter. Read by a female narrator. Hear the story of Eliza and her boss Derrick’s BDSM affair.
My first big screw-up, and of course Abe saw, he saw everything. I thought he'd be mad, but when he poured me a drink after closing, his attitude changed. By the time we were back in my bedroom, all bets were off.
Jonathan's promotion meant he also got a big, new, private office. I was having fun teasing him on messenger, but then I decided to pay him a little visit...
I went back and forth on if I should go. Willow had invited me to her art show, but she was my kid’s nanny. I couldn’t have feelings for her…right?
5 years have passed since Sophia and Theo made their pact to meet back in Montauk. They’ve both found themselves, but the question lingers -- will they find their way back to each other?
As their secret relationship intensifies, Jack invites Gia to his gallery, eager to show her his new photos. But Gia arrives with a surprise of her own: a latex corset under her clothes. And in the flickering red light of his dark room, they tangle together and the boundaries between artist and muse become irrevocably blurred.
My Library