
Carmen and Liam start as strangers on a train. But traveling across the country brings them together in unexpected ways.
2 Chapters
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Ch. 1 | Passengers
We’d talked for hours over the past two days of the train ride. But now we sat silent in the observation car, looking out the windows instead of at each other. But when I finally glanced up…he was watching me.
14 min
Her + HimChance EncounterRomanticBritish AccentBlack VoicesIn Public
14 min
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Ch. 2 | Passengers
I grabbed his hand, his palm soft in mine, and led him back to my room. He touched me softly, like his hands were asking each part of me a different question. And my body answered yes again and again.
6 min
Her + HimChance EncounterRomanticBritish AccentBlack VoicesIn Public
6 min
My Library